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Reading Challenge #

After spending the first lockdown (03 / 2020 - 05 / 2020) mostly binging Netflix (but also Amazon Prime and Disney+), I decided that this year (2021) was going to be the year of going back to my old reading habits (that is, actually reading anything at all).

As with most things in life, I fail to struck good balance: its either all or nothing; and my resolution regarding reading was no different. I decided to read 40 books in 2021 after barely reading any at all in 2020.

Looking back, this task would have been impossible if I had decided that reading was constrained to actual reading, either reading or paperback). It was the discovery of audiobooks (and Audible in particular) that finally enabled me to be in a good place (36) books so far. I feel confident that I will be able to finish my challenge.

So far I have read a large variety of books because of the challenge, some of them were entertaining, some of them were bad, but some of them really left me a positive impression, and is some of those books that I would like to share in this blogpost.

The list #

Silent Spring - Rachel Carson (Currently Reading) #

This book is somewhat the birth of the environmental movement. It is surprising how what she explains is still so relevant 50 years after the original date of publication.

King Kong Theory - Virginie Despentes #

A very interesting book on sexuality, prostitution and the role of femininity in society. This was the first book I ever read about feminism and it surprises me how much it still have to learn and question.

I will teach you to be rich - Ramit Sethi #

So much of the financial advise out there focuses on small things: prepare your coffee at home and never buy one, don't spend on beers in bars, and the list goes on. Although that is not necessarily bad advice, removing things you enjoy for your life can be done so much without affecting how much we actually enjoy life. Ramit's advice in that regard is refreshing. First take care of the big stuff: investing, good interests on loans, etc. Then, decide what you actually enjoy and what you don't in life. Spend like crazy in those things you love, and cut mercilessly in those things you don't.

Caffeine - Michael Polan #

I used to be a coffee addict. After listening to this audiobook, just as the author did, I decided to take a pause on my coffee consumption. Since then, I have consumed coffee again but in much smaller amounts and I can say that my relationship with "the drug" has changed for good, or has it?